Although data is at the heart of your presentation, visualizations are what make that data digestible for your target audience. Instead of presenting a spreadsheet of numbers to your client or boss, you can present a beautifully-colored heat map or column chart.
Rhiza Premium presentations can contain one or more of the following visualization types:
- Table: The table visualization gives you a straightforward way to show and analyze your data results. The table has options for sorting and exporting data, and also includes some calculated values to help you understand the information.
- Map: The map visualization displays geographic data to help the you understand complex information and relationships. It's often used in tandem with a table visualization to help fully explain the data insights.
- Column and bar charts: Bar chart and column chart visualizations let you compare data values in your report with a colorful and easy to understand graphic visualization. These visualizations are available only in the report.
- Line chart: The line chart visualization records individual data values on a graph and uses a line to connect the data points to visually illustrate changes between each point. This visualization is not fully supported in Rhiza Premium.
- Scatterplot: The scatterplot visualization plots data points on a horizontal and a vertical axis to show the relationship between attribute variables. This visualization is not fully supported in Rhiza Premium.
Visualizations can be exported as vector graphics, which you can resize without a loss in quality and edit in other tools, such as Adobe Illustrator. Some visualizations can also be exported as comma-separated .csv files for use in Microsoft Excel.