In Rhiza Premium, target series can be linked together to build powerful, cascading queries. In the most simple scenario, you can take the results from one target series (let's call it our source series) and feed them in as the series filter for a new target series (the receiving, or linked, series).
For example, let's say that I want to find out where people who watch a particular TV station live, and then learn more about them (such as what credit cards they use, what sit-down restaurants they prefer, where they shop for home furnishings, etc.) so that I can make targeted ad buys. Linked series allows us to do this easily.
In this scenario, I'm going to use the Nielsen Scarborough Local Market dataset. My first target series is going to give me a list of all of the ZIP Codes where people have answered, essentially, "Yes, I watch that TV station!"
Now, imagine I want to know something else about this particular group of people, like what sit-down restaurant they eat at most often. To do this, I create a second target series that's linked to the first one. It uses the same Scarborough Local Market dataset. The second series' target uses the results from the first target series, which is what creates the link.
Because I'm interested in knowing which sit-down restaurants the people in this set of ZIP Codes prefer, I select that question (and as many of the answers as I'd like) for the grouping.
I can also create other linked series to find out where these people like to buy their home furnishings, where they shop for clothes, or what credit cards they use.
Linked series can quickly become quite complex; for example, you can have multiple source series, and you can have nested linking. You can also impose limits on the results you pull in from your source series. We recommend reading all of the available resources and experimenting with a simple linked series at first.
While it may take a little while to get a robust set of linked series, you'll see enormous rewards when you create a template from that complex set of target series and realize that the template consumer only needs to enter one or two values to create an amazing, detailed presentation tailored for his or her client and market.