When you log in to Rhiza, you are greeted with the Explorer page. Here, you'll find all of the templates you need to create your presentations.

The Template Explorer is where you launch a template to create a new presentation

You can dive right in by clicking a template. By default, the featured Nielsen templates (A) are shown. Featured templates are ones that have been created for you by Nielsen and come with support. All featured templates have the N-badge on them:

Official Nielsen-supported templates have the N-badge on the top-left corner

You can toggle to see all templates, which includes both featured and custom templates. (Custom templates are those created by someone other than Nielsen; they are not supported by Nielsen.)

The navigation bar on the left (B) organizes the featured templates into the following areas:

  • Context: The point of view you are approaching the presentation from. The context is what gives each template its color.
    • Advertiser (purple): "I’m looking at this from a business intelligence perspective of my client’s industry”
    • Market (orange): "I want to know what forces are at work in my market/client's market"
    • Station (green): "I want to know more about my station/my client's station"
  • Business Categories: These are business verticals like health care, auto, and home improvement.
  • Themes: These help define what kind of information you want in your presentation. Do you want to see customer profiles, or are you more interested in a competitive analysis? Note that some templates can contain more than one theme.

Click or tap any item to filter the template list by that item. Note that selecting additional items concatenates your filter -- if you select Home Improvement and then select Retail, your search returns templates for both of those verticals. You need to specifically clear a filter by clicking or tapping it again.

Each featured template has a description and metadata to help you determine whether it will help you tell the story you need (C). Some custom templates might also have descriptions and metadata, depending on the creator. Click or tap on the template to run it.

Use the search function (D) to find a template by name or description.

If you want to view the templates as a list rather than a grid, you can do so by clicking the list icon (E).

If you have saved a presentation after you created it, you can use the Presentations link (F) to find it in the Presentations tab.

The User Settings tab (G) lets you change your display name or change your password.

If you need to access the user documentation or open a support ticket, use the Support link (H).

Last Updated: 8/3/2018, 5:32:49 PM