AggData Premium offers complete geocoded lists of retail chain locations, all extracted from primary sources, and all regularly updated. With unrestricted access to the more than 4,500 individual datasets that comprise AggData Premium's business data, you can be sure you have the most accurate business location information possible. Use this information on a map or other Rhiza visualization to help tell a compelling ad buy story.
Want to show where all of the Home Depots are located relative to your station's audience? Use AggData Premium. Need to tell a story that includes highlighting all of the home furnishings stores near a certain client? Once again, AggData can help you do that.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is AggData? It's a dataset full of business locations around the globe.
- Where does the data come from? It comes from web scrapers -- tools meant to extract data from the web.
- What is AggData best used for? Large retailers that have a good web presence.
- What might not be included in AggData? Local chains and small businesses.
For more information, see the AggData Premium website.
Dataset Attributes
Category : The category the Company Name attribute is assigned to. Each Company Name location will have the same category value.
List Name : The name of the company whose business locations you want to find.
SIC Code : The SIC number and name assigned to this company. The format is Number Name, where Number is the 4-digit SIC code and Name is a name assigned by the AggData Data Librarian. (for example, 5411 Grocery Stores). For more information on SIC codes, see
Store Name : The name of a specific location of the company (for example, Super Target - Jacksonville West S). It is not guaranteed to be unique.
Store Type : The type of location for the business (for example, a bank branch vs. an ATM, or a cell phone store vs. a kiosk in a mall).
Storefront : This generated field combines the Company Name and Store Name attributes, separating them with a hyphen (for example, Target - Little Rock North). If there is no Store Name for the location, then only the Company Name is used. If the Store Name contains the exact text of the Company Name, that text is removed.
Using AggData to Map Business Locations
If you want to create a mappable list of business locations, you need to specify the following attributes at minimum:
- List Name or Category: You need to be specific about which company or type of company you want to plot on the map.
- A geographic-based attribute, such as DMA or Nielsen Radio Metro Area: This constrains your results to the market you're working in. If you don't specify a market, you will get every business location across the United States.
In addition, you must set the grouping for your target series to Records. If you set it to anything else, you will not get a set of mappable points.
For an example on how to construct a target series that uses AggData Premium to plot locations on a map, see Example: Plotting In-N-Out Burger in the LA Radio Metro Area.