Rhiza includes data from the American Community Survey, or ACS.
- Credible and reliable: Ongoing survey released yearly is the source for population and household estimates as collected by the United States Census Bureau.
- Community survey: Pre-aggregated values for everyday demographics like age, ethnicity, gender, marital status and education level completed. Also includes annual household income estimates, employment status, number of housing units owned, number of cars owned, presence of persons under 18 in the home, and enlistment in the armed forces.
- Demographics for all geographies: Discover demographic in the following geographies: Census Block Groups, Census Tracts, Congressional Districts, Core-based Statistical Areas, County, DMA, Nielsen Radio Metro, Radius around points, State, State Legislative Districts - Upper & Lower House, and ZIP Code*.
- Available to all Rhiza customers: The ACS dataset is a bonus feature for all Rhiza customers.
* CableTrack available for MVPD customers